This manual is a player-driven project, and not endorsed by DK Legend - for official sources visit

Articles Update

- The following articles have received updates to reflect the past game maintenances;
Leveling, Quests, Skill Books, Gilles de Rais, Tiffauges Castle, Bathory & Tepez Lairs, Making Money.
- The Race Guides are currently being revised.
- Several other articles have received minor updates.

New Article: Roadmap1 March 2024

New Article: Roadmap

- Roadmap has been added to help steer new players in a general direction.
- Adam's Labyrinth section has been added to Bible War.
- Several articles have received minor updates.

New Articles: Keeper of Adam, Moon Card, Mask of Monster26 February 2024

New articles: Keeper of Adam, Moon Card, Mask of Monster

- Three new articles have been added; Keeper of Adam, Moon Card and Mask of Monster.
- Several articles have received minor updates.

First demo is live27 January 2024

First demo is live

The manual is live with the first demo. All pages will be updated over the upcoming days.