Keeper of Adam

Armed with incredibly destructive and defensive powers, the Great Ruffian is the only vampire that acts independently without an affiliated clan. Some vampire masters, who did not covet him, came up with a plan and made him wear cursed black armor to trap his power. It is said that the Great Ruffian hid in the Holyland of Adam to escape the surveillance of his masters in order to regain his lost power.

Holyland of Adam North Holyland of Adam South

  • During Stage 1 the Great Ruffian is more passive, and won't deploy his full arsenal. He'll only hit with his axe swing attack.
Stage 1 Stage 2
  • Once his first phase has been defeated, he'll transform to his second stage which is much more aggressive.
Wide-spread attack dealing damage to all surrounding enemies
Summon Icy Ruffians
Summons a legion of Icy Ruffians to overwhelm enemies
Wide-spread attack dealing lethal damage to all surrounding enemies and pushing them back